Not a brand new sequel to the famous crime trilogy by Stieg Larsson, but a story of obsession, intrigue, rivalry and a nailbiting plot still…… a vegetable plot.

Information technology'due south not often ane meets somebody who loves the allium cepa and then much that they get a tattoo of one, only it'southward evident within minutes of coming together Andrew "Chutney" Male monarch of Moor Lane, Wincanton that onions are a huge function of his life.

My firsthand assumption, that his nickname "Chutney" arose from having to make enormous amounts of said condiment due to the vast quantity of onions harvested and giving information technology out to friends and neighbours, turns out to be wrong – the nickname has been his since main schoolhouse when he was "always in a pickle".

Chutney is how everyone knows him and how he wishes to be addressed.

Chutney getting diggy with it

53 year sometime Chutney, who works for Dorset County Council Highways Department, is a champion vegetable grower - not but of onions, although these are his particular passion.

Since 1991 he has entered the Wincanton & District Gardeners Clan Almanac Flower Testify and has won the WGA Challenge Cup every twelvemonth between 1993-2002 and from 2011- present. He's likewise won many cups for individual classes, and estimates that he's won 67 cups over the years.

Trophy fella: Chutney with his 2022 wins

At the 2022 testify in Wincanton Memorial Hall, he swept the board yet over again, winning the Clementina Cup for overall points, the Ted Pleasance Memorial Loving cup, the WGA Challenge Cup, and the cup for potatoes and onions.

Chutney in his greenhouse

His runner beans, aubergines, carrots, potatoes, marrows, leeks, beetroot and shallots were all awarded first prize.

Some years Chutney only entered a few individual classes, due to he and wife Nicola fostering children, as well as raising their ain two sons.

"I have no interest in entering other shows," said Chutney.

2016 entry

"I am more than content with the local testify. I don't want to start getting heated polytunnels and thermostats and inbound Chelsea and Hampton Courtroom, I don't have enough time – although when I retire I might consider information technology."

Chutney loved gardening from a immature age, helping his grandpa and male parent who were both keen vegetable growers.

"Dad was very proficient only wasn't interested in inbound shows, " said Chutney.

"He and grandfather grew what they wanted to swallow, like many people in those days. It'due south simply what everybody did."

Chutney'southward parents had a bungalow on a route to the rear of his house and later his male parent died, he carried on with his father's veg garden. His female parent still lives in the bungalow.

In 1998 Chutney donated the John King Memorial Cup to Wincanton & District Gardeners Association for saladings, in memory of his begetter. Previously there had been no cup for that category, and Chutney has won information technology every year – just in 2022 he was beaten for the first time past local vet Marcus Giles, who took the microphone during the presentation to say that it was indeed a momentous and memorable occasion to run into Chutney in second place.

"I don't mind a bit of competition," said Chutney. "When I offset started exhibiting, Sid Pleasance was the champion year in, twelvemonth out, merely I stepped up to the claiming and I like it when someone aspires to grow amend veg than I exercise. Bring it on, I say."

10 years agone he in one case noticed a photo on the cover of a horticultural magazine of a trophy containing a prize onion; and decided to celebrate his continual success with that family of vegetable by having it tattooed, forth with the slogan "Gert Onion" in recognition of his Somerset heritage, on his forearm.

Chutney's Gert Onion tattoo

He spends every spare minute in the veg plot – "it keeps upward my tan", he said – and the Kings don't take whatsoever holidays in spring and summer due to the demands of the plants.

"I never get bored or end to be thrilled by planting a tiny seed effectually Christmas, watching the institute grow and and so picking information technology in August, and eating what I've planted," said Chutney.

Chutney grows many things in a multifariousness of containers all designed to outwit carrot fly, soil borne pests and also to relieve wear and tear on his dorsum. Old baths are a favourite container as he tin grow a lot of plants in one.

Veg entry 2016

The garden was originally heavy dirt but afterward and so many years of manuring in winter, regular earthworks and hoeing, it's now like blackness volcanic sand. Chutney weeds by paw and doesn't use chemicals at all. He doesn't use whatsoever cloak-and-dagger methods to achieve the perfect vegetable.

Veg entry 2016

For all gardeners, a productive veg plot and beautiful garden is hard work and a matter of watching the atmospheric condition and making the most of opportunities, but when preparing for shows it ways weeks of feet.

Veg entry 2016

If information technology's too hot, plants may bolt and runner beans for instance don't like too much estrus; as well much rain and the slugs are out in strength, destroying weeks of conscientious tending in hours.

Veg entry 2016

"The torrential rain we had for a couple of days late July really threw everything out of kilter," said Chutney.

Veg entry 2016

"I had to make a decision near whether to exit the onions in and risk them getting also large and splitting if we had whatsoever more rain; or harvest them now and keep them dry.

2016 evidence in Wincanton

"RHS rules dictate weights, measurements and sizes and so information technology's case of constantly monitoring the crop and picking them when they exactly the right size".

Chutney goes out each evening and very early on in the forenoon picking off caterpillars and slugs, and his cat Rupert Billy King scares off the pigeons.

Rupert Billy King, pigeon scarer

Chutney'due south favourite onion diverseness is Robinson'due south Mammoth, and Sugariness Candle carrots.

Wincanton & District Gardeners Association show 2016

He's not interested in attempting annihilation exotic, he just grows what he likes to eat. The veg plot keeps the family unit fed throughout the year, with winter crops too, and Nicola freezes what is harvested at the end of the summertime.

Chutney and wife Nicky

Nicola, who works at Conkers children'due south nursery in Wincanton, said "Information technology'south not merely a hobby Chutney has, information technology's an obsession.

"I am always relieved when the show is over and the gardening slows down for winter, as we get a chip of breathing infinite, and tin can finally become on holiday. But it keeps him out of mischief, and I ever know where he is!"

If you would similar to join Wincanton & District Gardeners Association, contact the secretary Gill d'Arcy on 01963 33160. Written report and photos by Tracey Ramsbottom